Time of Service Massage Therapy
Paid at Time of Service Massage Therapy Appointments
30 Minute Personalized Massage - $50 (not available via online booking)
60 Minute Personalized Massage - $100
75 Minute Personalized Massage - $125
90 Minute Personalized Massage - $150
The prices stated in the above section reflect discounts for payment at time of service for clients and is for non-medical or physician-referred massages.
Delayed Payment Massage Therapy Services for Personal Injury Claims
Did you recently get into a car crash or motor vehicle accident and need clinical massage as part of your recovery? We’ll bill your PIP/Car Insurance usually with no out of pocket costs to you.
Physician’s referral required, please fill our the documentation you will be emailed prior to your appointment.
60 Minute Treatment: $190
4 Units: $47.50 (each)
Please be aware, if your insurance company denies your claim, you will be financially responsible for the full cost of services rendered.